Episode 3

Published on:

14th Oct 2019

Good Days

Addie and I have been friends since high school. I didn't know it then, but she nurtured my creative aspirations as a teenager. She had a hand in setting me on the path I'm on today - and I'm forever grateful.

In this episode, Addie and I discuss our thoughts on creating in a digital world, the challenges of content creation, and getting over the fear of putting ourselves out there.

Addie writes for The Good Logger, a blog for those who want to look at the grace and goodness in life.

For the year of 2019, Addie has been wearing a dress every day for her current project: Clothed in Dignity. She does so to raise awareness and funds for Peoria Home - a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting women survivors of sex trafficking and prostitution. 

Clothed in Dignity: https://www.thegoodlogger.com/clothed-in-dignity

Peoria Home: http://peoriahome.org/

Show artwork for Creator Canon

About the Podcast

Creator Canon
Creative inspiration
Many of us are passionate about something so much that we want to create. It may be music, video, written word, or art. Join Amor as he calls up new and old friends to talk about their creative passions, and what makes their "Creator Canon."

About your host

Profile picture for Amor Estandian

Amor Estandian