Episode 4

Published on:

21st Oct 2019

If You're Not Growing, What Are You Doing?

I met Laquetuph through my Twitch community - he's always been an inspiration to me while I built my own Twitch channel. We've had some great conversations on what it's like to be a streamer, and his insight is something I highly value.

We discuss how he got started on Twitch, how he views the act of streaming, and the lessons he's learned since becoming a broadcaster.

We recorded this interview a year ago. He was actually the first person I called up for what has now become Creator Canon.

Laquetuph's channel: https://twitch.tv/laquetuph

Laquetuph's Twitter: https://twitter.com/laquetuph

Show artwork for Creator Canon

About the Podcast

Creator Canon
Creative inspiration
Many of us are passionate about something so much that we want to create. It may be music, video, written word, or art. Join Amor as he calls up new and old friends to talk about their creative passions, and what makes their "Creator Canon."

About your host

Profile picture for Amor Estandian

Amor Estandian